Monday, May 2, 2011

Table Model 1/250 scale

Used by the sales representatives when talking to clients at the table. Made 5 of them.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

B House Project

Plan and Perspective approved by the owner. Starting preparation on the Building permit application documents and Arch/Struct/Elec/Mech Plans.

Picture of the Site. Relatively flat side with a side road sloping down to the corner intersection.

LM-Uchdomari Model

Almost done. Will try to finish up the building site portion.

Model check scheduled for next week. To be displayed on 24 April.

N House Project

Construction to begin shortly. Completion scheduled for Sept.2011

What a view...

Retaining wall construction a couple of weeks back.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

M House Project

Building site in Uruma City. Relatively flat fronting a seawall.
Construction to start. Applied for the building permit last week. Finishing up on the Architectural & Structural Drawings.